Richard Bell, has created a somewhat coming of age story of a young man with flashes of a grandfather he has never known who endured similar feats decades previously. Bell uses a dynamic plot sequence to carry the viewer through a present day story of Pip (Paul Anthony (VI)), a young male who has experienced a traumatic event. Although Pip is from a financially comfortable family, he is living on the street during the beginning of the story. As storyline unfolds, pieces of why Pip has decided to ostracize himself is slowly revealed. During this time, we learn that Pip has recently turned eighteen and his grandfather, who he has never met, left him a cassette tape and tape player to be given to him on his eighteenth birthday. During the course of the film, as PipÂs story unfolds, the audience and Pip are introduced to his grandfather, through flashbacks and tape recorded voice of Ian McKellen Through PipÂs journey of coming to terms with has happened, he crosses paths with a ferecurringng characters, including: a similar aged male working the streets (Clarence Sponagle), a compassionate pastor ( Alan Cumming), and a open social worker (Carly Pope). Through the film, each of these characters influence Pip and overcome their own triumphs.
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